Patz Blog
Reading Time: 12 Minute(s)
Are you in the market for a vertical mixer? Just like buying a car, there are a lot of criteria to think about and take [...]
Reading Time: 5 Minute(s)
HOW CAN A MAGNET IMPROVE YOUR HERD’S HEALTH? Mixer Magnets Catch Tramp Metal in Feed
Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis. What is it? What is Traumatic Reticuloperitonitis? It’s a fancy name for ‘hardware disease’. Hardware disease is caused when cows ingest nails, wire, [...]
Reading Time: 4 Minute(s)
3 Common Alley Scraper Blade Options for Alley Scraper Systems
When researching and selecting the appropriate alley scraper system for your operation, there are many features to consider. In this article, we’ll take a look [...]
Reading Time: 4 Minute(s)
Tires Carry the Load
Practice Proper Tire Maintenance to Extend their Life Do you have the right tire for carrying your load? Running tires at the proper inflation pressure [...]
Reading Time: 17 Minute(s)
The Barn Cleaner. Where the Patz story begins.
THE WORLD'S FIRST CONTINUOUS-LOOP BARN CLEANER Paul Patz, the inventor of the Patz barn cleaner, was just a kid working on a farm back in the [...]
Reading Time: 4 Minute(s)
Side Extensions vs. Size Kits
When researching vertical mixers, you may run across two terms that sound like they would be interchangeable: Side Extensions and Size Kits. While they both [...]
Reading Time: 7 Minute(s)
Loading your Mixer to Maximize Feed and Efficiency
Does it really matter when feed gets added to the mixer…as long as it gets added? The answer is yes, it does matter. Just like [...]