Patz is pleased to innovate many products that help our customers and their operations. Our Engineering team works hard to design machines and parts that exceed customer expectations, while remaining efficient and reliable.

Patz products may be covered by one or more patents in the U.S. and internationally, as detailed in the PDFs below.

Complete Machine Patent List PDF

Double click on picture to view full screen.

quote startWe process two big square bales of baleage twice a day, and the mixer handles it without a problem. The reliability of the machine should mean it will give long, trouble-free use. Payback will be in ease of maintenance and longevity. It’s the best mixer out there! quote end
— Dale Briggs, Briggs Farm
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As an essential business supporting food and agriculture, Patz Corporation is taking every precaution to ensure the health and safety of our employees, dealers, customers and communities.